Bingo will be held in Saint Patrick church hall on Saturday, January 11th with proceeds going to those attending Catholic Heart Work Camp in July 2020. A soup supper will be held prior at 5 pm serving chili, hot dogs and grilled cheese sandwiches. Bingo will begin at 6:30 pm.
Do you need help with your New Year's Resolution? Come join our couch to 5K, Run for God! We will meet once a week starting January 18th for 12 weeks. Our class will meet in the community room at the Waukon Wellness Center at 7 am on each Saturday. We will have a 15 minute devotion, 15 minute education section pertaining to running and a 20-30 minute work out as a group. We will run St. Patrick’s School 5K April 11th. All levels of runners and/or non runners are welcome! Please contact St.Pats Office at 564-568-3671, or fill out the online form to sign up.
All faith formation activities- Mandy's confirmation make-up, 2nd grade with parents, 9-10 grades, and 7-8th grade faith formation are canceled due to weather.
Christmas Mass times for St Pat's, St Marys Dorchester, Hanover, and Lycurgus will be as follows: Dec. 24: 4 PM(children's homily) and 9 PM (adult homily) at St Pat's; 4 PM at Dorchester; 6:30 PM (children's homily) at Hanover. Dec. 25: 7 AM at Lycurgus; 9 AM at St Pat's
This Thursday, August 15 is the Feast of the Assumption of Mary into Heaven. Mass times for this Holy Day are: St Mary Lycurgus- 6 PM on Wed., August 14; St Patrick, Waukon- 8:30 AM and 6 PM August 15